Goodbye Box
Product and Book designed by MOTH

The Goodbye Box and story/advice book, ‘Saying Goodbye to Mr Jim’ has been developed by MOTH as an aid to help children and adults cope with bereavement.
Death is a subject that children are often shielded from and many parents would like to be able to support and help children begin to understand and comes to terms with death, but can oftentimes find it difficult themselves to know where to begin. Whilst our natural instinct is to protect children from sadness, to be able to approach it together and see it as an opportunity to learn and understand (at an appropriate level for that child) is important. The opportunity to be able to say a ‘proper’ goodbye, although difficult is ultimately better than unanswered and confusing assumptions which children might come to without proper dialogue.
Death is a subject that children are often shielded from and many parents would like to be able to support and help children begin to understand and comes to terms with death, but can oftentimes find it difficult themselves to know where to begin. Whilst our natural instinct is to protect children from sadness, to be able to approach it together and see it as an opportunity to learn and understand (at an appropriate level for that child) is important. The opportunity to be able to say a ‘proper’ goodbye, although difficult is ultimately better than unanswered and confusing assumptions which children might come to without proper dialogue.

Saying Goodbye to Mr Jim Animation / Clip
Voice over: Maude Ridout Bond
Voice over: Maude Ridout Bond
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© 2019 Moth | Salkeld | Rudolph
© 2019 Moth | Salkeld | Rudolph